Individualized Learning. Incredible Results.
Spring 2021 End-Of-Course (EOC) Assessments
Based on the Spring 2021 EOC assessments*, students outperformed state averages on the Algebra 1, Biology 1, Civics, Geometry, and U.S. History EOC assessments.

2020 Advanced PlacementĀ® (APĀ®) Results
We are dedicated to providing open doors and abundant support to all students interested in AP**. 2020 AP Exam results revealed that: • Students exceeded the national overall average qualifying percent by 7.9% in comparing the 13 AP courses we offer. • Students were above the national qualifying AP averages in 10 of the 13 courses.
*Data represents first-time Florida test takers in FLVS Full Time and Flex programs. Percentage of Students Scoring Level 3 or Above (Proficient). * *AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. † The chart reflects the percent of tests with a qualifying score (a test score of 3, 4, or 5). Percentages have been rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.