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Virtual School Graduates Underscore the Importance of Learning Pathways

Virtual School Graduates Underscore the Importance of Learning Pathways

Jun 13, 2024, 13:01 PM by Hailey Fitch
Austin Online Academy, a virtual school open to all Minnesota students in grades 9-12, recently celebrated its 2024 graduating class. Check out our interview with the principal of the school to learn more.

By: Hailey Fitch, Communications Manager, FlexPoint Education Cloud

A group of high school graduates in their graduation robs toss their caps into the air


Founded in 2021, Austin Online Academy is a free virtual school open to students in grades 9-12 in the state of Minnesota. With more than 100 students currently enrolled, the goal of the academy is to make learning accessible to all students while providing them with the opportunity to learn on their schedule. In the fall of 2022, the school partnered with FlexPoint to enhance its digital curriculum and the student experience.

This year, Austin Online Academy is celebrating the success of over 20 students who graduated from the virtual school. I recently had the opportunity to chat with the Principal of Austin Online Academy, Jessica Cabeen, about the school’s recent graduates.

A Partnership that Supports Student Growth and Excellence 

Me: Hi Jessica. Thanks for chatting with me today about your school and the graduation success you’ve seen. Can you describe Austin Online Academy’s partnership with FlexPoint?

Cabeen: Hi Hailey. It’s nice to virtually meet you. We started working with the FlexPoint team in the fall of 2022 because we were looking for a rigorous curriculum that allowed students and teachers to integrate meaningful learning experiences alongside their core courses. My favorite aspect of working with FlexPoint is how quickly the team responds, their excellence in customer service and communication, as well as their willingness to support and engage with us as we grow and work toward improving student experiences. 

Me: Can you tell our readers how we helped you, your school, and your families during the 2023-24 school year? 

Cabeen: FlexPoint was an essential partner in our success. Their timely responses and creative approaches to meeting our school’s unique needs was foundational to our success. 

Me: What are you most proud of when you think about the Austin Online Academy Graduating Class of 2024? 

Cabeen: We are thrilled to celebrate the achievements of our students this year. Our school has seen remarkable success stories that reflect the hard work and dedication of our students, staff, and community. Here are some highlights:

  • We are incredibly proud to announce that we have a high-distinction student graduating this year with a 4.0 GPA. This student has consistently demonstrated excellence in their academic pursuits throughout high school.

  • Several students who had previously dropped out have returned to complete their high school diploma. Their determination to continue their education and achieve their goals is truly inspiring. These students have proven that it's never too late to finish what you started, and their success stories are a testament to their resilience and perseverance.

  • We also want to acknowledge the students balancing full-time jobs and raising children while pursuing their education. Their ability to juggle these demanding responsibilities and succeed academically speaks volumes about their strength and dedication. Their journey is a powerful reminder that with the right support and determination, anything is possible.

  • Here are a few senior spotlights that we’re proud of:

Student from Austin Online Academy, Ryan Deglaude says,  Austin Online Academy Student, Zeke Bonorden in a basketball uniform. Graphics says,  Austin Online Academy student Savanah says,


Me: Congratulations to you and your students. What do you think these stories highlight about online education and student success? 

Cabeen: Each of these stories highlights the diverse paths our students have taken to reach graduation. Online learning has provided them with the flexibility and support they needed to succeed. Whether overcoming personal challenges, excelling academically, or balancing multiple responsibilities, our students have shown remarkable resilience and determination. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and look forward to celebrating their success as they move on to the next chapter of their lives.

Thank you to Jessica for chatting with me about the partnership between Austin Online Academy and FlexPoint and highlighting the success of the 2024 graduating class. Congratulations to all the online student graduates. 

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