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High School Procedural Programming

Suggested Prerequisites

Digital Information Technology, Foundations of Programming


This course teaches advanced programming concepts using the computer language Python. You will learn techniques and processes associated with computer programming and software development.This course continues the study of computer programming concepts with a focus on the creation of software applications employing procedural programming techniques. After successful completion of Foundations of Programming and Procedural Programming, students will have met Occupational Completion Point B, Computer Programmer Assistant, SOC Code 15-1131.

Module One: Welcome to Procedural Programming

-Understanding Procedural Programming

-Using Python and IDLE

-Solving Problems Using Computational Thinking

-Developing Algorithms

-Using Pseudocode

-Using Data Structures

-Working with strings

-Creating Lists

-Working with Dictionaries

-Error Messaging

Module Two: Changing the World with Shopping

-Working with Variables


-Local and Global Variables

-Programming with Mathematical Operators

-Data Types

-List Functions

-Conditional Statements

-Nested Conditional Statements

-Validating user input

-Using programming libraries

Module Three: Changing the World with Entertainment


-For Loops

-While Loops

-Nested Loops

-Using the Random Module

-Error Handling with Try and Except

-Using Recursive Functions

-Understanding and Using APIs

-Understanding IDEs

Module Four: Changing the World with Data

-Return Statements

-Defining Functions with Parameters

-Using Arguments

-Modular Programming

-Importing Modules

-Reading Text Files

-Analyzing Data Files

-Data Analysis Functions

-Linear and Binary Search Algorithms

-Computer Simulations

Module Five: Changing the World with Computer Security

-Understanding Computer Vulnerabilities

-Computer Hacking Threats

-Costs of cybercrime

-Staying Safe from Identity Theft


-Authentication Methods

-Coding Careers

Module Six: How Will You Change the World?

-Defining Problems

-Defining Solutions

-Using Credible Resources

-Acceptance and Usability Testing