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Middle School Middle School Grade 6 Mathematics

Suggested Prerequisites



How do mathematicians think, write, and speak? Find out in this course, where you will experience new ways of solving problems through interactive and engaging activities. With a focus on hands-on learning and real-world application, you will be exposed to foundational concepts needed for higher-level math study. Major topics include performing operations with integers and positive rational numbers, solving problems involving ratios and rates, and using expressions and equations. You will also plot points on the coordinate plane, find the area and volume of geometric figures, and extend your understanding of statistics.

Module One: Rational Numbers

-Multiply and divide positive multi-digit numbers

-Multiply and divide positive fractions

-Rewrite positive rational numbers in equivalent forms

-Plot, order and compare positive rational numbers

-Compare rational numbers that have opposite direction

-Interpret the absolute value of a number

-Find the greatest common factor

-Find the least common multiple

Module Two: Integers and Algebraic Expressions

-Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers

-Translate between written descriptions and algebraic expressions

-Solve problems using absolute value of integers

-Evaluate expressions using substitution and order of operations

-Apply properties to generate equivalent expressions

Module Three: Equations and Inequalities

-Determine whether an integer makes an equation true

-Determine whether an integer makes an inequality true

-Solve one-step equations

-Create one-step equations

-Graph real-world descriptions on a number line

Module Four: Operations with Rational Numbers (Accelerated)

-Add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers

-Solve problems using order of operations

-Add and subtract linear expressions

-Determine whether two linear expressions are equivalent

-Write and solve one-step inequalities

-Graph one-step inequalities 

Module Five: Ratios and Rates

-Write, interpret, and compare ratios

-Calculate and interpret rates and unit rates

-Solve problems involving ratios, rates and unit rates

-Generate or complete a two- or three-column table

-Solve problems involving percentages

-Solve real-world percent problems (accelerated)

-Solve real-world problems with proportions (accelerated)

Module Six: Statistics

-Recognize and formulate a statistical question

-Interpret mean, median, mode, and range

-Find the five-number summary of a box plot

-Describe the spread and distribution of data

-Create box plots and histograms

-Determine an appropriate measure of center (accelerated)

-Determine an appropriate measure of variation (accelerated)

-Make comparisons and draw conclusions about two populations (accelerated)

-Make predictions about a population (accelerated)

Module Seven: Geometry

-Plot rational number ordered pairs

-Identify the x- or y-axis as the line of reflection

-Find distances between ordered pairs

-Solve problems by plotting points

-Apply the formula for area of a triangle

-Decompose composite figures into triangles or rectangles

-Find the areas of trapezoids, parallelograms, and rhombi (accelerated)

-Find surface area of right rectangular prisms

-Find surface area of right rectangular pyramids

-Find volume of right rectangular prisms

Module Eight: Probability (Accelerated)

-Determine the sample space

-Find the theoretical probability of an event

-Interpret the likelihood of a chance event

-Compare the probabilities of chance events

-Find experimental probabilities

-Compare experimental probabilities to theoretical probabilities