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High School Integrated Mathematics III

Suggested Prerequisites

Integrated Mathematics II


This course allows you to learn while having fun. Interactive examples help guide your journey through customized feedback and praise. Mathematical concepts are applied to everyday occurrences such as earthquakes, stadium seating, and purchasing movie tickets. You will investigate the effects of an equation on its graph through the use of technology and will have opportunities to work with your peers on specific lessons.

Module One: Basics of Geometry

-Define points, lines, and planes

-Perform geometric constructions using a compass

-Perform geometric constructions using technology

-Introduction to different types of proofs

Module Two: Transformations and Congruence 

-Perform and represent translations

-Perform and represent reflections

-Perform and represent rotations

-Prove two figures are congruent

Module Three: Coordinate Geometry

-Classify polygons using coordinate geometry

-Solve problems using slope

-Use coordinates to find perimeter and area of polygons

-Use coordinates to divide segments into ratios

Module Four: Volume and Figures 

-Derive formulas for circumference and area of circles

-Derive volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, and cones

-Use Cavalieri's Principle to compare volumes

-Solve real-world applications involving density

-Identify shapes of cross-sections of 3-D objects

-Identify 3-D objects generated by 2-D objects

-Find the surface area of 3-D figures

Module Five: Trigonometry

-Identify and describe properties of circles

-Apply trigonometric functions using the unit circle

-Graph trigonometric functions with periodic

-Analyze transformations

-Fit functions to data to solve problems

-Prove equations using the Pythagorean Identity

-Simplify expressions using the Pythagorean Identity

Module Six: Dividing and Solving Polynomials 

-Dividing polynomials using long division

-Dividing polynomials using synthetic division

-Determining key features of polynomials using Theorems

-Determine zeros using Rational Root Theorem and Descartes' Rule of Signs

-Use zeros and end behavior to graph polynomial functions

-Solve polynomial equations

-Graph polynomial functions to determine key features and solutions

-Prove polynomial identities

Module Seven: Rational Expressions 

-Simplify rational expressions

-Multiply and divide rational expressions

-Add and subtract rational expressions

-Simplify complex fractions

-Identify discontinuities of rational expressions

-Identify asymptotes of rational functions

-Solve rational equations and justify solutions

-Apply rational equations to real-world scenarios

Module Eight: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 

-Create exponential equations to model real-world situations

-Create logarithmic functions and solve equations

-Use properties of logarithms to solve equations

-Solve exponential equations with unequal bases

-Graph exponential functions

-Graph logarithmic functions

-Determine effects of combining different types of functions

Module Nine: Sequences and Series

-Identify and use arithmetic sequences to solve problems

-Identify and use arithmetic series to solve problems

-Identify and use geometric sequences to solve problems

-Identify and use geometric series to solve problems

-Use sigma notation to evaluate a series

-Identify and find infinite, convergent, and divergent series

-Graph sequences and series

Module Ten: Statistics

-Use measures of center and spread to fit normal distribution

-Estimate population percentages

-Population inferences using statistics, models, surveys, and experiments

-Use surveys to estimate population parameters

-Determine margin of error and evaluate data reports

-Use experiments to compare treatments, assess significance, evaluate data reports