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High School Human Growth and Development

Suggested Prerequisites

Introduction to the Teaching Profession (suggested)


In this course, you’ll learn about human growth development from infancy through adolescence, including ways to plan for working with students through those stages. You’ll learn about different theories of development, as well as how to apply those theories to meet the varying needs of students in your classroom. You’ll also learn what can affect a student’s development, including health and safety concerns, heredity, and their environment. By continuing to develop a portfolio and participating in field observations, you’ll observe children of various ages to see first-hand how teachers make the connection between theory and the classroom.

Module One: Early Learning

-Characteristics and stages of human growth

-Cognitive and emotional development

-Learning through play and imitation

-Windows of opportunity

-Speech development

-Childhood trauma

-Nature vs. nurture

-Zone of proximal development

-Special needs

-Discipline and self-regulation

Module Two: More Than One Way

-Factors influencing education

-Language development

-Stages of reading development

-Phonemic and graphemic awareness

-Learning styles

-Multiple intelligences

-Learning theories

-Changes in classroom practices

-Fostering growth mindset


Module Three: We All Have Needs

-Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

-Meeting student needs

-Direct instruction

-Cooperative learning

-Project-based learning

-Student-centered strategies


-Classroom management

-Proactive planning

-Strategies to correct student behavior


Module Four: Laying It All Out


-Unpacking standards

-Universal design for learning

-Understanding by design

-Types of assessments

-Bell curve

-Effective lesson planning

-Key elements of a lesson plan

-Essential questions

-Writing learning objectives

Module Five: Providing Support

-Physical exceptionalities

-Developmental exceptionalities

-Behavioral exceptionalities

-Sensory exceptionalities

-Supporting students with exceptionalities

-504 Plans and IEPs

-Least restrictive environment

-Special education law

-Types of accommodations

-Serving gifted and talented students

Module Six: Keeping Them Safe

-Signs of child abuse and neglect

-Types of abuse

-Recognizing child abuse

-Mandated reporting

-Recognizing substance abuse

-Types of substances used by students

-Strategies to reduce effects of abuse

-Fire safety

-Universal precautions

-Appropriate supervision