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High School English II for Credit Recovery

Suggested Prerequisites

English 2


Students will discover how the human experience is the foundation of the best stories, plays, poems, films, speeches, and articles by evaluating its presence across genres and throughout history. With a strong focus on the art of writing and speaking, students will engage with a number of rich texts to uncover how authors and speakers use their words to reflect their thoughts on the world. Through writing about literature and research-based topics, students will further develop their voices to create compositions of excellence.Please note that this is a Credit Recovery course. Credit Recovery courses are not NCAA approved and should not be used by student athletes attempting to recover credits.

Module One: Fundamentals of Fiction

-Figurative language

-Denotation and connotation

-Poetry analysis

-Tone and mood

-Literary elements (setting, conflict, point of view, characterization)

-Narrative techniques


Module Two: Coming of Age

-Connections across cultures and time

-Universal themes

-Conflicting perspectives within a narrative

-Characteristics of coming-of-age literature

-Multimedia implementation

-Presentation strategies

Module Three: Writing with Purpose

-Expository writing

-Text structures and features

-Effective paragraphs: introduction, body, and conclusion

-The research process and source evaluation

-Writing effective thesis statements

-Academic transitions and signal phrases

-Summarizing, paraphrasing, and incorporating direct quotes

-Common usage errors and MLA formatting rules

-MLA citations: parenthetical, Works Cited page

-Writing based on a prompt

Module Four: Strong Argumentation

-Rhetorical appeals: ethos, logos, pathos

-Rhetorical devices

-Argumentative vs. persuasive writing

-Logical fallacies

-Counterclaims, rebuttals, and refutations

-Sentence and paragraph transitions

-Volume, pacing, and enunciation when delivering a speech

Module Five: Timeless Tales

-Elements of fiction

-Literary adaptations

-Author's purpose

-Etymology and changes in language

-Context clues

-Shakespearean tragedies and tragic flaws


Module Six: Storytime

-Narrative writing and narrative techniques

-Writer's craft and the writing process

-Imagery and word choice

-Sentence fluency and punctuation

-Comma splices, colons, and semicolons

-Writing a sequel