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Elementary Elementary Technology Grade 5

Suggested Prerequisites



Students will develop basic skills in computer science through engaging and age-appropriate content. The course will expose students to concepts such as problem-solving, algorithms, security/privacy/copyright, computer programming basics, and keyboarding skills. Students will learn block-based coding in offline environments. In addition, students will learn about using technology responsibly, being good digital citizens, recognizing cyberbullying, and communicating effectively and safely with technology.

Module One: Robot Exploration

-Hardware parts inside a computer

-Maintaining a device

-Graphic organizers to help solve problems

-Accuracy and gross words per minute in keyboarding

-Computer software and application programs 

-Instant and delayed communication 

-Problem-solving strategies to solve a software problem

-Digital citizenship

-Advantages and disadvantages of social media

-Internet safety

-Boolean searches

Module Two: Communication Zone

-Impacts of social media 

-Different types of cyberbullying 

-Typing accuracy and gross words per minute

-Boolean searches

-Reliable informative texts

-Conducting research and modifying a list of resources


-Note-taking strategies

-Keyboard shortcuts

-Functions, events, loops, iterations, and conditionals in code

-Block-based code

-Debugding errors in code


Module Three: Be Social

-Facts and opinions

-Controlling idea

-Microsoft Word Online

-Proper technique when keyboarding

-Data and surveys

-Excel Online spreadsheets

-Publishing a digital artifact

-Keyboarding accuracy and speed

Module Four: Presentation Station

-Working and creating in Scratch

-Creating and editing presentations

-Finding reliable websites to conduct research

-Completing a graphic organizer

-Keyboarding techniques

-PowerPoint Online functions

-Balanced presentation slides

-PowerPoint Online presentations

-Citing source material


-Keyboard shortcuts

-Giving, receiving, and applying feedback

-Using proofing tools

-Presentation skills

-Keyboard symbols