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Elementary Elementary Spanish Level 2

Suggested Prerequisites



Students will learn the target language in a story-based framework, providing a fun and positive experience within the learning. Each lesson is taught through an engaging, authentic story that gives students an opportunity to see and hear the language in context. Students will learn foundational skills in listening and speaking in the early levels, and will add Spanish literacy skills beginning in Level 2. The courses provide audio and visual stimuli for all learning types and ample opportunities to hear, speak, read, write, and record the language. This suite also provides strategically-based reviews of past learning. Each course is built on connections to an authentic culture of a specific Spanish-speaking region through the arts, celebrations, and traditions of the culture, leading students on the path to becoming global citizens. Courses provide a natural progression of learning through the following language acquisition stages: oPreproductionoEarly ProductionoSpeech emergenceoIntermediate fluency

Module One: ¡Qué viva Perú!

-greetings, introductions, and goodbyes

-Peruvian culture

-vowels a, e , i, o, and u

-Peruvian animals

-family members

-breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks

Module Two: Una Aventura Con Las Ballenas


-the ocean

-sea animals

-months of the year


-express plurals

-picnic words

-possession using mi and tu

-numbers one to fifty

-letters m, s, p, l, b, t, n, and ñ and their syllables

Module Three: Buscando Al Cóndor


-Independence Day

-false cognates

-people in my Community

-no one and nobody

-directional words

-land and sky

-Nazca lines

-asking and answering simple questions, including where is and have you seen

-letters c, g, j, d, r, rr, h, and f and their syllables

Module Four: Viajando A Machu Picchu

-Machu Picchu

-places people live

-filling out a form

-rhyming and poetry


-clear and dark

-time on the hour

-greeting people at different times of the day

-letters v, y, k, x, w, and z and their syllables