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High School AP Precalculus

Suggested Prerequisites

Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry


Engage in concepts that bridge current math knowledge and exciting new topics. The course centers on functions modeling dynamic behaviors. This research-based exploration of functions is designed to better prepare you for the next level of math classes. and provide a basis for other mathematics and science courses. As a result of examining functions from many perspectives, you will develop a conceptual understanding not only of specific function types but also of functions in general.

Module One: Mastering Polynomial Functions by Exploring Change

-Determine the behavior of different function types

-Denote end behavior using limit notation

-Compare and analyze average rates of change

-Identify key characteristics of different function types

-Analyze transformations of different function types

-Express functions in equivalent forms

Module Two: Mastering Rational and Piecewise Functions

-Determine the behavior of rational functions

-Compare and analyze average rates of change

-Identify key characteristics of rational functions

-Express rational functions in equivalent forms

-Model data sets for multiple applications

-Use technology to construct regression models

-Describe and construct piecewise-defined functions

Module Three: Conquering Exponential Functions and Function Applications

-Determine the behavior of exponential functions

-Compare and analyze average rates of change

-Identify key characteristics of exponential functions

-Express exponential functions in equivalent forms

-Analyze transformations of exponential functions

-Model data sets for multiple applications

-Use technology to construct regression models

-Define and relate sequences to functions

-Construct compositions of two or more functions

-Construct and verify inverse functions

Module Four: Conquering Logarithmic Functions and Modeling

-Rewrite logarithmic expressions as exponential expressions

-Analyze transformations of logarithmic functions

-Identify key characteristics of logarithmic functions

-Solve equations and inequalities of logarithmic functions

-Construct and verify inverse functions

-Use technology to construct regression models

-Apply and linearize functions modeled with semi-log plots

Module Five: Investigating Periodic Functions

-Explore functions with periodic characteristics

-Analyze transformations of trigonometric functions

-Identify key characteristics of trigonometric functions

-Use technology to construct sinusoidal regression models

-Determine trigonometric function values using the unit circle

Module Six: Investigating Solutions of Trigonometric and Polar Functions

-Solve equations and inequalities of trigonometric functions

-Construct and verify inverse functions

-Convert between trigonometric functions and their inversesĀ 

-Find solutions to describe trigonometric equations

-Derive and verify trigonometric identities

-Covert between rectangular and polar coordinates

-Identify key characteristics of polar functions

-Analyze and interpret average rates of change