High School United States Government
License Model
FlexPoint or School/District Hosted
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
16-18 weeks
Suggested Prerequisites
Responsible citizenship, including civil and political participation, is essential to maintain a government that truly represents "We the People." In this course, you will examine the principles that inspired the Constitution and other founding documents of the United States. Explore how these principles form the foundation of the U.S. federal government and distinguish it from those of other nations. You will then examine the structures and functions of government to see how those principles are put into practice each day. This includes how the levels of government interact with one another. Finally, you will extend these concepts to the role of the individual within U.S. civil society and explore protections and limitations on individual rights outlined in the Bill of Rights and acts of government over time. Learn how, as individuals and as part of groups, citizens can influence public policy and help ensure the vitality of the constitutional republic.Module One: We the People
-Purposes of government
-The Declaration of Independence
-The Constitutional Convention
-Ratification debates of the Constitution
-The Constitution
-The Bill of Rights
-Comparing government forms and systems
-US foreign policy
Module Two: Constitutional Government
-Constitutional powers (types and examples)
-The Legislative Branch
-The Executive Branch
-The bureaucracy
-The Judicial Branch
-Judicial review
-Judicial decisions
-Federalism and modern issues
Module Three: Civic Participation
-Civic duties and responsibilities
-The common good
-Civil rights and liberties
-Public policy (forming, monitoring, and analysis)
-Policy influencers (political parties, interest groups, the media)
-Analyzing and evaluating political messaging
-Voting and elections
This is a one segment course